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Serialized LOB

StructuralData accessAbout 5 min


  • Object models often contain complicated graphs of small objects. Much of the information in these
    structures isn’t in the objects but in the links between them.
  • Objects don’t have to be persisted as table rows related to each other.
  • Another form of persistence is serialization, where a whole graph of objects is written out as a
    single large object (LOB) in a table.


In plain words

The Forest here represents the object graph.
A forest contains animals and plants. As is in real life the forest object contains plants and
animals where some animals eat other animals and some eat only plants.

  • These relationships are maintained in the Forest Object.
  • There are 2 types of Serializers available ClobSerializer and BlobSerializer.
  • ClobSerializer uses character or textual based serialization, here the Object graph is converted
  • to XML and then stored as text in DB.
  • BlobSerializer uses binary data for serialization, here the Object graph is converted to Byte
  • Array and then stored as a blob in DB.

Programmatic Example

  • Here is the Animal class. It represents the Animal object in the Forest. It contains the name of
    the animals in the forest and details of what they eat from the forest plants/animals or both.
 * Creates an object Forest which contains animals and plants as its constituents. Animals may eat
 * plants or other animals in the forest.
public class Forest implements Serializable {

  private String name;
  private final Set<Animal> animals = new HashSet<>();
  private final Set<Plant> plants = new HashSet<>();

   * Provides the representation of Forest in XML form.
   * @return XML Element
  public Element toXmlElement() throws ParserConfigurationException {
    Document xmlDoc = getXmlDoc();

    Element forestXml = xmlDoc.createElement("Forest");
    forestXml.setAttribute("name", name);

    Element animalsXml = xmlDoc.createElement("Animals");
    for (Animal animal : animals) {
      Element animalXml = animal.toXmlElement(xmlDoc);

    Element plantsXml = xmlDoc.createElement("Plants");
    for (Plant plant : plants) {
      Element plantXml = plant.toXmlElement(xmlDoc);
    return forestXml;

   * Returns XMLDoc to use for XML creation.
   * @return XML DOC Object
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException {@inheritDoc}
  private Document getXmlDoc() throws ParserConfigurationException {
    return DocumentBuilderFactory.newDefaultInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();

   * Parses the Forest Object from the input XML Document.
   * @param document the XML document from which the Forest is to be parsed
  public void createObjectFromXml(Document document) {
    name = document.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("name");
    NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
    iterateXmlForAnimalAndPlants(nodeList, animals, plants);

  public String toString() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n");
    sb.append("Forest Name = ").append(name).append("\n");
    sb.append("Animals found in the ").append(name).append(" Forest: \n");
    for (Animal animal : animals) {
    sb.append("Plants in the ").append(name).append(" Forest: \n");
    for (Plant plant : plants) {
    return sb.toString();
  • Here is the LobSerializer abstract class. It provides the specification to serialize and
    deserialize the input object and persist and load that object into a DB.
 * A LobSerializer can be used to create an instance of a serializer which can serialize and
 * deserialize an object and persist and load that object into a DB. from their Binary
 * Representation.
public abstract class LobSerializer implements Serializable, Closeable {

  private final transient DatabaseService databaseService;

   * Constructor initializes {@link LobSerializer#databaseService}.
   * @param dataTypeDb Input provides type of Data to be stored by the Data Base Service
   * @throws SQLException If any issue occurs during instantiation of DB Service or during startup.
  protected LobSerializer(String dataTypeDb) throws SQLException {
    databaseService = new DatabaseService(dataTypeDb);

   * Provides the specification to Serialize the input object.
   * @param toSerialize Input Object to serialize
   * @return Serialized Object
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException if any issue occurs during parsing of input object
   * @throws TransformerException         if any issue occurs during Transformation
   * @throws IOException                  if any issues occur during reading object
  public abstract Object serialize(Forest toSerialize)
      throws ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException, IOException;

   * Saves the object to DB with the provided ID.
   * @param id     key to be sent to DB service
   * @param name   Object name to store in DB
   * @param object Object to store in DB
   * @return ID with which the object is stored in DB
   * @throws SQLException if any issue occurs while saving to DB
  public int persistToDb(int id, String name, Object object) throws SQLException {
    databaseService.insert(id, name, object);
    return id;

   * Loads the object from db using the ID and column name.
   * @param id         to query the DB
   * @param columnName column from which object is to be extracted
   * @return Object from DB
   * @throws SQLException if any issue occurs while loading from DB
  public Object loadFromDb(int id, String columnName) throws SQLException {
    return, columnName);

   * Provides the specification to Deserialize the input object.
   * @param toDeserialize object to deserialize
   * @return Deserialized Object
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException If issue occurs during parsing of input object
   * @throws IOException                  if any issues occur during reading object
   * @throws SAXException                 if any issues occur during reading object for XML parsing
  public abstract Forest deSerialize(Object toDeserialize)
      throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, ClassNotFoundException;

  public void close() {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • Here is the ClobSerializer class. It extends the LobSerializer abstract class and provides the
    implementation to serialize and deserialize the input object and persist and load that object into
    a DB using ClobSerializer.
  • Objects are serialized using character or textual based serialization
    using XML to represent the object graph.

 * Creates a Serializer that uses Character based serialization and deserialization of objects graph
 * to and from XML Representation.
public class ClobSerializer extends LobSerializer {

  public static final String TYPE_OF_DATA_FOR_DB = "TEXT";

  public ClobSerializer() {

   * Converts the input node to its XML String Representation.
   * @param node XML Node that is to be converted to string
   * @return String representation of XML parsed from the Node
   * @throws TransformerException If any issues occur in Transformation from Node to XML
  private static String elementToXmlString(Element node) throws TransformerException {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newDefaultInstance().newTransformer();
    t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "no");
    t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
    t.transform(new DOMSource(node), new StreamResult(sw));
    return sw.toString();

   * Serializes the input object graph to its XML Representation using DOM Elements.
   * @param forest Object which is to be serialized
   * @return Serialized object
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException If any issues occur in parsing input object
   * @throws TransformerException         If any issues occur in Transformation from Node to XML
  public Object serialize(Forest forest) throws ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException {
    Element xmlElement = forest.toXmlElement();
    return elementToXmlString(xmlElement);

   * Deserializes the input XML string using DOM Parser and return its Object Graph Representation.
   * @param toDeserialize Input Object to De-serialize
   * @return Deserialized Object
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException If any issues occur in parsing input object
   * @throws IOException                  if any issues occur during reading object
   * @throws SAXException                 If any issues occur in Transformation from Node to XML
  public Forest deSerialize(Object toDeserialize)
      throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException {
    DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newDefaultInstance()
    var stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(toDeserialize.toString().getBytes());
    Document parsed = documentBuilder.parse(stream);
    Forest forest = new Forest();
    return forest;
  • Here is the SlobSerializer class. It extends the LobSerializer abstract class and provides the
    implementation to serialize and deserialize the input object and persist and load that object into
    a DB using ClobSerializer.
  • Objects are serialized using binary data based serialization objects a persisted as a BINARY/BLOB
    in DB.
 * Creates a Serializer that uses Binary serialization and deserialization of objects graph to and
 * from their Binary Representation.
public class BlobSerializer extends LobSerializer {

  public static final String TYPE_OF_DATA_FOR_DB = "BINARY";

  public BlobSerializer() throws SQLException {

   * Serializes the input object graph to its Binary Representation using Object Stream.
   * @param toSerialize Object which is to be serialized
   * @return Serialized object
   * @throws IOException {@inheritDoc}
  public Object serialize(Forest toSerialize) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
    return new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());

   * Deserializes the input Byte Array Stream using Object Stream and return its Object Graph
   * Representation.
   * @param toDeserialize Input Object to De-serialize
   * @return Deserialized Object
   * @throws ClassNotFoundException {@inheritDoc}
   * @throws IOException            {@inheritDoc}
  public Forest deSerialize(Object toDeserialize) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    InputStream bis = (InputStream) toDeserialize;
    Forest forest;
    try (ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream(bis)) {
      forest = (Forest) in.readObject();
    return forest;

Class diagram

alt text
Serialized LOB


  • This pattern works best when you can chop out a piece of the object model and use it to represent
    the LOB.
  • Think of a LOB as a way to take a bunch of objects that aren’t likely to be queried from any SQL
    route outside the application.
  • This graph can then be hooked into the SQL schema. Serialized LOB works poorly when you have
    objects outside the LOB reference objects buried in it.
  • Serialized LOB isn’t considered as often as it might be. XML makes it much more attractive since
    it yields an easy-to-implement textual approach.
  • Its main disadvantage is that you can’t query the structure using SQL.
  • SQL extensions appear to get at XML data within a field, but that’s still not the same (or
