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Double Buffer

BehavioralBufferingGame programmingOptimizationPerformanceAbout 4 min


The Double Buffer pattern aims to reduce the time necessary for rendering and displaying graphical or computational data by utilizing two buffers. One buffer is used for rendering the next frame or computing the next set of data, while the other is used to display the current frame or data set to the user.


Real world example

A typical example, and one that every game engine must address, is rendering. When the game draws the world the users see, it does so one piece at a time -- the mountains in the distance, the rolling hills, the trees, each in its turn. If the user watched the view draw incrementally like that, the illusion of a coherent world would be shattered. The scene must update smoothly and quickly, displaying a series of complete frames, each appearing instantly. Double buffering solves the problem.

In plain words

It ensures a state that is being rendered correctly while that state is modifying incrementally. It is widely used in computer graphics.

Wikipedia says

In computer science, multiple buffering is the use of more than one buffer to hold a block of data, so that a "reader" will see a complete (though perhaps old) version of the data, rather than a partially updated version of the data being created by a "writer". It is very commonly used for computer display images.

Programmatic Example

Buffer interface that assures basic functionalities of a buffer.

 * Buffer interface.
public interface Buffer {

     * Clear the pixel in (x, y).
     * @param x X coordinate
     * @param y Y coordinate
    void clear(int x, int y);

     * Draw the pixel in (x, y).
     * @param x X coordinate
     * @param y Y coordinate
    void draw(int x, int y);

     * Clear all the pixels.
    void clearAll();

     * Get all the pixels.
     * @return pixel list
    Pixel[] getPixels();


One of the implementation of Buffer interface.

 * FrameBuffer implementation class.
public class FrameBuffer implements Buffer {

    public static final int WIDTH = 10;
    public static final int HEIGHT = 8;

    private final Pixel[] pixels = new Pixel[WIDTH * HEIGHT];

    public FrameBuffer() {

    public void clear(int x, int y) {
        pixels[getIndex(x, y)] = Pixel.WHITE;

    public void draw(int x, int y) {
        pixels[getIndex(x, y)] = Pixel.BLACK;

    public void clearAll() {
        Arrays.fill(pixels, Pixel.WHITE);

    public Pixel[] getPixels() {
        return pixels;

    private int getIndex(int x, int y) {
        return x + WIDTH * y;
 * Pixel enum. Each pixel can be white (not drawn) or black (drawn).
public enum Pixel {


Scene represents the game scene where current buffer has already been rendered.

 * Scene class. Render the output frame.
public class Scene {

    private final Buffer[] frameBuffers;

    private int current;

    private int next;

     * Constructor of Scene.
    public Scene() {
        frameBuffers = new FrameBuffer[2];
        frameBuffers[0] = new FrameBuffer();
        frameBuffers[1] = new FrameBuffer();
        current = 0;
        next = 1;

     * Draw the next frame.
     * @param coordinateList list of pixels of which the color should be black
    public void draw(List<? extends Pair<Integer, Integer>> coordinateList) {"Start drawing next frame");"Current buffer: " + current + " Next buffer: " + next);
        coordinateList.forEach(coordinate -> {
            var x = coordinate.getKey();
            var y = coordinate.getValue();
            frameBuffers[next].draw(x, y);
        });"Swap current and next buffer");
        swap();"Finish swapping");"Current buffer: " + current + " Next buffer: " + next);

    public Buffer getBuffer() {"Get current buffer: " + current);
        return frameBuffers[current];

    private void swap() {
        current = current ^ next;
        next = current ^ next;
        current = current ^ next;

public static void main(String[]args){
final var scene=new Scene();
        var drawPixels1=List.of(
        new MutablePair<>(1,1),
        new MutablePair<>(5,6),
        new MutablePair<>(3,2)
        var buffer1=scene.getBuffer();

        var drawPixels2=List.of(
        new MutablePair<>(3,7),
        new MutablePair<>(6,1)
        var buffer2=scene.getBuffer();

private static void printBlackPixelCoordinate(Buffer buffer){
        StringBuilder log=new StringBuilder("Black Pixels: ");
        var pixels=buffer.getPixels();
        for(var i=0;i<pixels.length;++i){
        var y=i/FrameBuffer.WIDTH;
        var x=i%FrameBuffer.WIDTH;
        log.append(" (").append(x).append(", ").append(y).append(")");

The console output

[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Start drawing next frame
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Current buffer: 0 Next buffer: 1
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Swap current and next buffer
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Finish swapping
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Current buffer: 1 Next buffer: 0
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Get current buffer: 1
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.App - Black Pixels:  (1, 1) (3, 2) (5, 6)
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Start drawing next frame
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Current buffer: 1 Next buffer: 0
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Swap current and next buffer
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Finish swapping
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Current buffer: 0 Next buffer: 1
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.Scene - Get current buffer: 0
[main] INFO com.iluwatar.doublebuffer.App - Black Pixels:  (6, 1) (3, 7)

Class diagram

Double Buffer class diagram
Double Buffer pattern class diagram


  • Real-time applications where the display needs to be updated frequently and smoothly, such as video games, simulations, and graphical user interfaces.
  • Applications requiring high computational resources to prepare data, where the preparation can be done in parallel with data consumption.
  • Scenarios where the goal is to minimize the perception of lag or stutter in the display of data or graphics.

Known Uses

  • Graphics Rendering Engines: Used extensively in 2D and 3D rendering engines to ensure smooth animations and transitions.
  • User Interface Frameworks: Employed in GUI frameworks to enhance the responsiveness and smoothness of interfaces.
  • Simulation and Modeling: Utilized in simulations to display real-time updates without interrupting the simulation process.
  • Video Playback Software: Applied in video players to provide seamless playback by preloading the next frame while the current one is displayed.



  • Smooth User Experience: Provides a seamless display experience by pre-rendering frames, leading to smoother animations and transitions.
  • Performance Optimization: Allows intensive rendering or data preparation tasks to be performed in the background, optimizing overall performance.
  • Minimizes Flickering: Reduces or eliminates flickering and visual artifacts in graphical applications.


  • Memory Overhead: Requires additional memory for the secondary buffer, potentially doubling the memory usage for the buffered data.
  • Implementation Complexity: Adds complexity to the system architecture, requiring careful management of the two buffers.
  • Latency: Can introduce a slight delay, as the data must be fully rendered or prepared in the back buffer before being displayed.
  • Triple Buffering: An extension of the Double Buffer pattern, where three buffers are used to further optimize rendering and reduce latency.
  • Producer-Consumeropen in new window: The Double Buffer pattern can be seen as a variant of the Producer-Consumer pattern, with one buffer being "produced" while the other is "consumed".
  • Strategyopen in new window: Often used in conjunction with the Strategy pattern to dynamically choose the buffering strategy based on runtime conditions.
