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Composite Entity

Also known as

  • Coarse-Grained Entity


The Composite Entity design pattern is aimed at managing a set of interrelated persistent objects as if they were a single entity. It is commonly used in the context of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and similar enterprise frameworks to represent graph-based data structures within business models, enabling clients to treat them as a single unit.

iluwatarAbout 2 minStructuralClient-serverData accessEnterprise patterns
Data Transfer Object

Also known as

  • Transfer Object
  • Value Object


The Data Transfer Object (DTO) pattern is used to transfer data between software application subsystems or layers, particularly in the context of network calls or database retrieval in Java applications. It reduces the number of method calls by aggregating the data in a single transfer.

iluwatarAbout 2 minStructuralClient-serverData transferLayered architectureOptimization


The Flux design pattern is intended to manage the flow of data in applications, particularly client-side web applications, by enforcing a unidirectional data flow. It aims to simplify the management of complex data interactions and promote a more predictable state behavior across components.

iluwatarAbout 3 minArchitecturalClient-serverDecouplingEvent-drivenPublish/subscribeReactive