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Circuit Breaker

Also known as

  • Fault tolerance switch


The Circuit Breaker pattern aims to prevent a software system from making calls to a part of the system that is either failing or showing signs of distress. It is a way to gracefully degrade functionality when a dependent service is not responding, rather than failing completely.

iluwatarAbout 6 minResilienceCloud distributedFault toleranceMicroservices
Event-Based Asynchronous

Also known as

  • Asynchronous Event Handling


The Event-Based Asynchronous pattern allows a system to handle tasks that might take some time to complete without blocking the execution of the program. It enables better resource utilization by freeing up a thread that would otherwise be blocked waiting for the task to complete.

iluwatarAbout 3 minConcurrencyAsynchronousDecouplingEvent-drivenFault toleranceMessagingReactiveScalability
Event Sourcing

Also known as

  • Event Logging
  • Event Streaming


Event Sourcing is a design pattern that advocates for the storage of state changes as a sequence of events. Instead of updating a record in a database, all changes are stored as individual events which, when replayed, can recreate the state of an application at any point in time.

iluwatarAbout 3 minArchitecturalDecouplingEvent-drivenFault toleranceMessagingPersistenceScalabilityTransactions
Health Check

Also known as

  • Health Monitoring
  • Service Health Check


The Health Check pattern is designed to proactively monitor the health of individual software components or services, allowing for quick identification and remediation of issues that may affect overall system functionality.

iluwatarAbout 2 minBehavioralFault toleranceMicroservicesMonitoringSystem health