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Collection Pipeline


The Collection Pipeline design pattern is intended to process collections of data by chaining together operations in a sequence where the output of one operation is the input for the next. It promotes a declarative approach to handling collections, focusing on what should be done rather than how.

iluwatarAbout 3 minFunctionalReactiveData processing

Also known as

  • Scatter-Gather


The Fan-Out/Fan-In pattern aims to improve concurrency and optimize processing time by dividing a task into multiple sub-tasks that can be processed in parallel (fan-out) and then combining the results of these sub-tasks into a single outcome (fan-in).

iluwatarAbout 3 minConcurrencyAsynchronousData processingDecouplingScalability

Also known as

  • Filters
  • Pipes and Filters


The Filterer pattern aims to apply a series of filters to data objects, where each filter processes the data based on specific rules and criteria, and passes the data to the next filter in the sequence.

iluwatarAbout 3 minBehavioralData processingData transformationDecouplingPerformanceRuntime